Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Drop-in BfS Meditation Session with I – August 19th

Drop-in BfS Meditation Session with I – August 19th


BfS – Butterfly Soup


“Dathlu mynegiant emosiynol creadigol”

Bydd I, un o gyn-fynychwyr Butterfly Soup, yn cyflwyno sesiwn mis Awst Butterfly Soup ar 19 Awst, 7pm-8.30pm. Mae I yn hwylusydd anhygoel, hael a dawnus 🥰 Bydd I (ef / ‘ei’ gwrywaidd) yn eich gwahodd i archwilio’r llwybrau sy’n berthnasol i chi.

Deall y ‘symudwr’ sy’n llechu oddi mewn i bob un ohonom a chreu deialog. Gyda’n gilydd, cawn sgwrs gyda’r ‘symudwr’ oddi mewn inni a chyda’n gilydd.

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“Dathlu mynegiant emosiynol creadigol”

Mae Butterfly Soup yn fan creadigol ar gyfer y Gymuned LHDTCRA+ a’i chynghreiriaid. Rydym yn myfyrio, yn symud, yn creu pethau rhyfeddol, yn yfed te ac yn siarad o’r galon. Dyma fan diogel creadigol sy’n derbyn ac yn meithrin. Mae hefyd yn hygyrch o ran BSL (Iaith Arwyddion Prydain). Seilir y sesiwn ar roddion, diolch i’r People’s Health Trust, ein cyllidwyr.

Elusen annibynnol yw People's Health Trust. Mae'n buddsoddi mewn cymunedau lleol er mwyn helpu i greu cymdeithas heb anghydraddoldebau iechyd drwy gyllid, cymorth a defnyddio tystiolaeth ac addysg i ysgogi newid. Mae'n cydweithio'n agos â chwe Chwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol, gan godi arian drwy The Health Lottery.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Ardour Academy hosts a welcoming and inclusive event known as "Butterfly Soup" LGBTQ+ Community Weekly Meet-ups every Monday, closely aligned with their mission of connecting people through the arts. These gatherings take place in the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road."Butterfly Soup" provides a safe and supportive space for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies to come together, build connections, and celebrate their diverse identities. It's not just a meet-up; it's a community-building initiative that fosters inclusivity and acceptance.

Participants can look forward to a variety of activities, discussions, and artistic expressions that promote unity and understanding within the LGBTQ+ community. These meet-ups aim to provide a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Ardour Academy's commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and the arts shines brightly through "Butterfly Soup." It's a regular opportunity for people to connect, share experiences, and strengthen their bonds in the heart of the Welsh capital city.

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Absolutely! Many of our classes are designed to accommodate beginners and those with varying levels of experience. Be sure to check the class descriptions for more information.

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