Dim Canlyniadau wedi'u Darganfod
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Mae dosbarthiadau yn gosod ffocws corfforoldeb, gan symud yn ddeinamig ac yn egnïol trwy ofod, tra'n cefnogi dealltwriaeth o sut i yrru yn erbyn sain. Gan weithio gydag ystod o oedrannau ac mewn ystod eang o feysydd, bydd y dosbarth yn agored, yn hwyl ac yn archwiliadol i unigolion ymchwilio i symudiad mewn amgylchedd diogel a chroesawgar.
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Ardour Academy is a not-for-profit organisation located in Caerdydd, Wales, dedicated to connecting people through the arts. We offer a diverse range of classes and events, fostering creativity and a sense of community.
*we try to make our classes as inclusive as possible so we are happy to offer hardship passes which will offer free passes to most of our classes for anyone unable to fund their classes. If you have a serious injury or disability, and wish to take part in our classes please let us know and we would be happy to offer a consultation with our director.