FAQ: How does Ardour Academy support the LGBTQ+ community

Ardour Academy is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for the LGBTQ+ community. We offer LGBTQ+ inclusive events and work continuously to promote diversity and inclusion.

FAQ: What should I do if I have additional questions or need assistance

If you have any more questions or need assistance with anything related to Ardour Academy, please reach out to our friendly team via e-bost or phone. We’re here to help and ensure you have a fantastic experience with us!

FAQ: How can I register for classes and events

To register for our classes and events, look thro our timetable and select the specific class or event you’re interested in. You’ll find registration information and payment options there.

FAQ: Are your classes suitable for beginners

Absolutely! Many of our classes are designed to accommodate beginners and those with varying levels of experience. Be sure to check the class descriptions for more information.

FAQ: Tell me more about your connection to the BSL community

We have a strong connection with the British Sign Language (BSL) community and offer BSL-interpreted events and classes to ensure that our programs are accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. If you require BSL interpretation, please let us know in advance.

FAQ: How can I stay updated with Ardour Academy’s schedule and news

You can stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter, or connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. We regularly post updates on our classes, events, and other exciting news.

FAQ: Where is Ardour Academy located

Our address is on Wellfield Road, right in the heart of Caerdydd, the capital city of Wales. You can find detailed directions HERE on our website.
We are unfortunately not wheelchair accessible at the moment and working hard to change this in the future.
We do however run some of our sessions in wheelchair assessable locations, and off live streaming of some of our classes/events. Please Cysylltu if you wish to discuss accessibility.

FAQ: Do you offer any scholarships or discounts

We believe in making the arts accessible to everyone. Depending on funding and availability, we may offer scholarships or discounts. Please contact us for more information.

FAQ: What is Ardour Academy

Ardour Academy is a not-for-profit organisation located in Caerdydd, Wales, dedicated to connecting people through the arts. We offer a diverse range of classes and events, fostering creativity and a sense of community.

FAQ: What kind of classes and events do you offer

We offer a wide variety of classes and events, including but not limited to dance, theater, visual arts, and music. Our schedule is diverse to cater to all interests and skill levels.

FAQ: What is contemporary dance?

Mae natur dawns gyfoes yn wrthryfelgar! Fe'i crëwyd mewn ymateb i reolau tyn bale a mathau eraill o ddawns. Mae'n fynegiannol, ac wedi ei hysbrydoli gan amrywiol fathau o ddawns ond yn bwysicaf oll mae' n rhoi rhyddid i chi ddehongli symudiad yn eich ffordd unigryw chi eich hun.

FAQ: Why try contemporary dance?

Mae'n ffordd ddifyr o gadw'n heini, gwneud y corff yn hyblyg, cwrdd â phobl newydd a dysgu techneg a chyfres o symudiadau mewn amgylchedd croesawgar.

FAQ: Who can attend Ardour Academy’s classes and events

Everyone is welcome at Ardour Academy! We are proud of our inclusive environment and encourage people of all backgrounds and abilities to join us.

Ardour Academy is a A not for profit organisation, Connecting people through the Arts. 
They are based in the capital city of Wales. In the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road.
Our Projects at Ardour Academy: Fostering Creativity and Community through Inspiring Projects.

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