Drawing Course

Autumnal Pencil & Watercolours

Argentine Tango

6 week course

Salsa Evening

with Dean and guests

Wellness Hub Cardiff

Inclusive Wellness Hub Cardiff

Dance Classes Cardiff

Diverse Dance Classes Cardiff

Community Well-being

Community Well-being Events Wales

BSL Inclusive

BSL Inclusive Studio Ardour

Queer-Friendly Cardiff

Queer-Friendly Fitness Cardiff

Academi Ardour

Ardour Academy - Dance Classes Cardiff

Welcome to Ardour, where community, creativity, and well-being come together to create a diverse and inclusive environment. At Ardour Academy, we focus on nurturing the mind, body, and soul.

Our diverse range of classes and workshops cater to all aspects of personal growth and development. Ardour offers educational programs, fitness classes, and meditation practices for everyone. Whether you want to learn, get fit, or find peace, Ardour has something for you.

Our community is at the heart of everything we do. We want to make a friendly place where people from different backgrounds can learn, develop, and build relationships together.

Skilled teachers and experts make up our team. They dedicate themselves to helping you reach your goals. They also want to help you find balance and happiness in your life.

Join us at Ardour Academy and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we can create a brighter, healthier, and more harmonious world for all.

Ardour, a non-profit organization in Cardiff, was founded in 2018 and is known for its resilience and joy. Ardour is more than just a studio. A place on Wellfield Road where people gather to connect, accept, and empower each other.

Dance Classes Cardiff

Canolbwyntio ar y Gymuned: At Ardour, we believe in the transformative power of a safe and welcoming space. Our not-for-profit status reflects our commitment to community well-being. We understand that feeling a part of a community is essential for physical and mental health.

Ardour offers different creative and therapeutic activities. These include classes, projects, counseling, workplace well-being programs, and community events. The focus is on integration, inclusivity, and acceptance.

Ardour promised to make its services accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing community. Our team is learning British Sign Language (BSL).

We aim to use it regularly in our daily tasks. This will help make it more common. This commitment underscores our dedication to providing an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and thrive.

Ardour in Cardiff celebrates dance, well-being, and fitness near Roath Park. A dynamic space for these activities. Our project brings together local, national, and international teachers and instructors, creating a friendly and professional environment for individuals of all ages and abilities.

Sylwadau Tystion yn Llefaryddion: Dros y blynyddoedd, mae Ardour wedi ennill canmoliaeth o'n cymuned. O ddosbarthiadau dawns bol, i ddosbarthiadau dawns gyfoes a mwy, mae ein ystod amrywiol o ddosbarthiadau wedi gadael argraff. Mae tystion yn amlygu'r awyrgylch gadarnhaol a chroesawgar, y hyfforddwyr angerddol, a'r amrywiaeth o ddosbarthiadau sy'n denu diddordebau a gallu.

Ardour stands out for its focus on modern dance styles like belly dancing, salsa, Latin, Afro Dance, and floorwork. Our studio offers more than just dance – we also have classes in drawing, art, and yoga for overall wellness. With a focus on inclusivity, LGBTQ+ and Queer-friendly spaces, mental health support, and accessibility, Ardour truly stands out.

Cwrs a Digwyddiadau Wythnosol: Ardour’s weekly timetable is a testament to our commitment to diverse offerings. From yoga and drawing courses to salsa dance classes and Afro-Dance sessions, there’s something for everyone. Our events, such as the Butterfly Soup creative queer meet-ups, add an extra layer of community engagement.

Join Ardour to change your life. Whether you’re a skilled dancer or just starting, Ardour welcomes you to join our group.

Be creative and focus on your health. Our studio in Roath, Cardiff is a place where everyone in the community can go to feel good. Affordable and focused on wellness.

The studio is open to all who want to improve their well-being. Discover the joy of dance, the serenity of yoga, and the fulfillment of connecting with like-minded individuals. Ardour is not just a destination; it’s a journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Ardour - Ble Mae'r Gymuned yn Fflourio, a Lles yn Cymryd y Brif Lwyfan.

Experience Ardour – Where Community Flourishes, and Wellness Takes Center Stage.

Croeso i'n gwefan. Diolch am gymryd yr amser i ddysgu mwy am ein gwaith.

Sefydlwyd Ardour yn 2018 fel sefydliad nid er elw er mwyn uno ein cymuned a dathlu cryfder a chreadigrwydd o fewn ein cymuned. Mae integreiddio, cynwysoldeb, a derbyn wrth wraidd Ardour. Rydym yn credu bod cael lle diogel a theimlo’n rhan o gymuned yn hanfodol i’n llesiant meddyliol a chorfforol. Rydym yn cynnig ystod eang o gyfleoedd creadigol a therapiwtig ac yn gweithio gyda’n cymuned i gynnig y gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen mwyaf. Mae hyn yn cynnwys amserlen gwersi wythnosol, prosiectau creadigol, cwnsela, mentrau Llesiant yn y Gweithle, a digwyddiadau cymunedol. Yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi addo gwneud ein gwasanaethau’n hygyrch i bobl fyddar neu drwm eu clyw yn ein cymunedau. Fel rhan o'r addewid hwnnw, mae ein staff a gwirfoddolwyr yn dysgu Iaith Arwyddion Prydain ac yn gweithio tuag at normaleiddio defnyddio Iaith Arwyddion Prydain yn ein gweithgareddau o ddydd i ddydd.

Dewch draw i ddweud helo. Rydym wedi ein lleoli ar Heol Wellfield yng Nghaerdydd, ond rydym yn croesawu ymwelwyr o ledled Cymru a thu hwnt.

Gallwch rannu eich barn ar y prosiectau sy’n cael eu cynnig drwy anfon e-bost atom:
A/neu gwblhau arolygon cymunedol:

October 2024

Llu Maw Mer Iau Gwe Sad Sul
  • Cwrs Tango
  • Belly Dancin…
  • BSL Course
  • Private Book…
  • Donation-bas…
  • Drawing &…
  • Salsa Evenin…
  • Cwrs Tango
  • Belly Dancin…
  • BSL Course
  • BSL mime wor…
  • Butterfly So…
  • Donation-bas…
  • Drawing &…
  • Salsa Evenin…
  • Cwrs Tango
  • Belly Dancin…
  • BSL Course
  • Private Book…
  • Donation-bas…
  • Drawing &…
  • Salsa Evenin…
  • Cwrs Tango
  • Jam Jazz
  • BSL Course
  • Private Book…
  • Donation-bas…
  • Drawing &…
  • Salsa Evenin…

Heddiw @ Ardor

“Fantastic venue with something to offer for everyone, be it fitness, all manner of dance classes or awesome events and parties. Ran by a group of warm and enthusiastic professionals. Would highly recommend” – Sajjad Siraty

Ardour Academy is a A not for profit organisation, Connecting people through the Arts. 
They are based in the capital city of Wales. In the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road.
Our Projects at Ardour Academy: Fostering Creativity and Community through Inspiring Projects.

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Mind | Body | Soul
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