British Sign Language (BSL)

Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd


“Ardour is a wonderful addition to the Cardiff arts community- they offer a great selection of classes to suit all abilities and interests, competitive prices and a warm, inviting space. What really makes them stand out however are how passionate Ardour’s owners are about creating a space that is welcoming and inclusive :)” – Jessie Brooks

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We are proud to have been researching and piloting a range of deaf accessible projects in the past few years. We currently run a number of our *projects and *classes with BSL communication support and have a deaf ‘BSL Engagement officer’ who is supporting us in developing a strong link with the deaf community.

We offer a range of BSL introduction courses and our staff and volunteers are learning BSL level 1.

Please keep an eye on our future BSL courses and BSL accessible projects.

Butterfly Soup: Monthly Meet-up with Tarah – October 14th

Cawl Pili Pala: Cyfarfod Misol gyda Tarah – Hydref 14eg

BfS – Butterfly Soup


Mae Tarah Kandial (hi) yn arwain ein sesiwn Butterfly Soup ar 14 Hydref. Bydd Anna yno i gefnogi a’ch croesawu i’r lleoliad.

6-week Introduction to BSL Course

Cwrs 6 wythnos Cyflwyniad i BSL

BSL course

BSL  course

DYDD SADWRN 21 MEDI 2024 O 11:00-12:30

Mae’n bleser gennym gynnig cwrs 6 wythnos cyflwyniad i Iaith Arwyddion Prydain gyda Nadene!

Dyma gyfle i ddysgu elfennau sylfaenol Iaith Arwyddion Prydain, cwrdd â phobl newydd a bod yn rhan o greu Cymru fwy cynhwysol a theg.

Pryd a Ble:
Cynhelir y sesiynau yn yr Academi Ardour ar foreau Sadwrn, rhwng 11am-12:30pm. Bydd y sesiynau yn cael eu cynnal ar y dyddiau Sadwrn canlynol:

Mime Workshop with Dominika (Dr Mimefulness)

Gweithdy Meimio gyda Dominika (Dr Mimefulness)

Mime Workshop

Mime Workshop

Cawsom gymaint o hwyl y llynedd yn ein Gweithdy Meim cyntaf, felly rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi y bydd Dominika neu Dr. Mimefulness yn hwyluso sesiwn chwareus arall ddydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref am 1:30pm!

Nid oes angen unrhyw brofiad i ymuno - croeso i bawb.

Mae’n rhaid i blant fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.

Mae gennym gefnogaeth cyfathrebu BSL ar gael i gyfeillion byddar neu sy’n drwm eu clyw.

🗓 Dydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref
⏰️ 1:30pm – 3pm
📍 Canolfan Ardour, The Globe Centre, Wellfield Road, CF24 3PE

FAQ: Are your classes suitable for beginners

Absolutely! Many of our classes are designed to accommodate beginners and those with varying levels of experience. Be sure to check the class descriptions for more information.

*we try to make our classes as inclusive as possible so we are happy to offer hardship passes which will offer free passes to most of our classes for anyone unable to fund their classes. If you have a serious injury or disability, and wish to take part in our classes please let us know and we would be happy to offer a consultation with our director.

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