Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Gweithdy Meimio gyda Dominika (Dr Mimefulness)

Gweithdy Meimio gyda Dominika (Dr Mimefulness)


Mime Workshop

Mime Workshop

Cawsom gymaint o hwyl y llynedd yn ein Gweithdy Meim cyntaf, felly rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi y bydd Dominika neu Dr. Mimefulness yn hwyluso sesiwn chwareus arall ddydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref am 1:30pm!

Nid oes angen unrhyw brofiad i ymuno - croeso i bawb.

Mae’n rhaid i blant fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.

Mae gennym gefnogaeth cyfathrebu BSL ar gael i gyfeillion byddar neu sy’n drwm eu clyw.

🗓 Dydd Sadwrn 12 Hydref
⏰️ 1:30pm – 3pm
📍 Canolfan Ardour, The Globe Centre, Wellfield Road, CF24 3PE

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Gweithdy Meimio gyda Dominika (Dr Mimefulness)

Bydd Dominika neu Dr. Mimefulness yn hwyluso sesiwn chwareus arall fydd yn croesawu pawb.

Bydd te a bisgedi i bawb ar gyfer lluniaeth 😊

Archebwch eich lle ymlaen llaw os gwelwch yn dda:

Mae’r sesiynau yma’n bosib diolch i ariannu “Create” gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ar gyfer ein prosiect “Groove & Glitter.”

Ardour Academy is A not for profit organisation, Connecting people through the Arts. They are based in the capital city of Wales. In the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road.
Write me a tell me about their involvement with BSL using short paragraphs.

Ardour Academy, as a not-for-profit organization, is deeply committed to fostering inclusivity and accessibility through the arts. One of their notable initiatives is their involvement with British Sign Language (BSL), which plays a crucial role in connecting people from diverse backgrounds.

Through their various programs and events, Ardour Academy strives to make the arts more accessible to the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community in Cardiff and beyond. They recognize the importance of BSL as a means of communication and a vital tool for breaking down barriers.

Ardour Academy's commitment to BSL extends to offering BSL-interpreted performances and workshops, ensuring that Deaf individuals can fully engage with and enjoy the arts. This inclusivity aligns with their mission to create a space where everyone can participate in the cultural richness of the capital city of Wales.

In addition to providing BSL support at their events, Ardour Academy actively promotes awareness and understanding of Deaf culture and the significance of BSL within the community. Their dedication to connecting people through the arts extends to embracing linguistic diversity and fostering a sense of unity and belonging among all attendees.

Ardour Academy's involvement with BSL underscores their dedication to inclusivity, ensuring that the magic of the arts is accessible to everyone, regardless of their hearing abilities, and making Cardiff's cultural scene more vibrant and welcoming for all.

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Mae natur dawns gyfoes yn wrthryfelgar! Fe'i crëwyd mewn ymateb i reolau tyn bale a mathau eraill o ddawns. Mae'n fynegiannol, ac wedi ei hysbrydoli gan amrywiol fathau o ddawns ond yn bwysicaf oll mae' n rhoi rhyddid i chi ddehongli symudiad yn eich ffordd unigryw chi eich hun.

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