Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Slow Commercial Choreography – Oct 2024

Slow Commercial Choreography – Oct 2024


Dosbarth Coreograffi Masnachol Araf

Slow Commercial Choreography class

Mae Alexa yn dysgu dosbarth Coreograffi wythnosol yn Ardour!

Dydd Mawrth 7:45pm-8:30pm.

October, the sessions will take place from the 1st to the 22nd with no class on the 29th

Coreograffi Masnachol Araf

Beth i’w ddisgwyl?
Mae hwn yn ddosbarth lefel-agored. Bydd Alexa yn dysgu symudiadau dawns masnachol, ar gyflymder araf a chymedrol i sicrhau nad yw’n rhy anodd, ac yn addas ar gyfer gwahanol allu gan wneud i bawb deimlo’n bositif.

Yn addas ar gyfer?
Unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn coreograffi, dawns fasnachol, dawns a ffitrwydd. Mae Ardour yn lle a arweinir gan awyrgylch cwiar, hwb creadigol a diogel sy’n llawn croeso.

Gallwch ddod ag esgidiau sodlau os hoffech wneud hynny, ond nid yw’n orfodol.

Cost: £8 per class or £28 for a monthly pass (4-weeks in October).

Ardour Academy is A not for profit organisation, Connecting people through the Arts. They are based in the capital city of Wales. In the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road.
Located in the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road, this class is in line with their mission to connect people through the arts.The Body Positive class at Ardour Academy provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals of all body types can embrace self-confidence and self-acceptance. It's a celebration of body diversity and uniqueness.Participants in this class learn dance moves and choreography that emphasize self-expression and storytelling through performance. It's an inclusive experience that encourages self-love and self-empowerment.Ardour Academy's dedication to inclusivity is evident in their promotion of body positivity. This class fosters connections and celebrates individuality in the heart of the Welsh capital, contributing to a more confident and connected community.

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Noder! Oni bai ein bod yn canslo'r dosbarth neu'n cael eich cynghori i hunan-ynysu trwy Track & Trace, nid ydym yn cynnig ad-daliadau na chyfnewid credydau ar ein dosbarthiadau.

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Everyone is welcome at Ardour Academy! We are proud of our inclusive environment and encourage people of all backgrounds and abilities to join us.

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