Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Salsa Night with Andy Witt – 24th July

Salsa Night with Andy Witt – 24th July




Cardiff’s own Andy Witt, will be joining us.

*** Dydd Mercher @ 20:30 (BST) ***

Advanced booking only

This class is suitable for those with little or some basic salsa knowledge. If you are a complete beginner and have never danced salsa before please email us on [email protected]

Ni chaniateir ad-daliad o’r pryniad hwn.

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Salsa Night with Andy Witt

Yn un sy'n adnabyddus am ei gyfraniad aruthrol i’r sîn Salsa yng Nghaerdydd, mae Andy Witt
yn dod â hwyl, egni a brwdfrydedd i’w ddosbarthiadau. Nid un i'w golli!!
Os ydych yn newydd i salsa, bydd un o’m tîm Ardour yn dangos i chi’r hanfodion i’ch paratoi i ymuno a'r prif ddosbarth ymhen rai wythnosau.

Gallwch ddod â phartner neu ar eich pen eich hun. Mae croeso i chi wisgo mwgwd wrthgyrraedd neu wrth fynychu, os oes well gennych. Mae poteli glanweithyddion dwylo wedi'u lleoli o amgylch yr ystafell, gofynnwn i chi wneud defnydd ohonyn nhw wrth gyfnewid partneriaid.

Gweinyddwn amrywiaeth o ddiodydd at ein bar. Derbyniwn daliad cerdyn yn unig.

We look forward to having you ☺️☺️

Ardour Academy hosts an electrifying event known as "Salsa Night with Andy Witt," perfectly in line with their mission of connecting people through the arts. Situated in the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road, this event celebrates Latin music and dance.

"Salsa Night with Andy Witt" offers a vibrant atmosphere filled with music, dance, and socializing. It's a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the rhythms of Latin music and enjoy a lively evening.

The event often includes dance lessons led by instructor Andy Witt, ensuring that participants of all levels can join in the fun. It's not just a night of dance; it's a social gathering that fosters connections among those who appreciate Latin culture.

Ardour Academy's dedication to promoting cultural diversity and artistic expression shines through in "Salsa Night with Andy Witt." It's a regular celebration of Latin culture, music, and dance that unites people in the heart of the Welsh capital, creating memorable moments and lasting connections.

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