
Discover Ardour: Wellness, Dance, and Creativity in Cardiff


“Contemporary with Mike has been really beneficial to my wellbeing and getting to feel grounded. “I’ve enjoyed the challenge of moving my body with purpose in a safe space with others, free of judgement of ability and experience.

Butterfly Soup sessions have been meditative and calming. I particularly enjoy the expressing of our stories through body language, allowing us to build connection within ourselves and between other Queer humans.” – Mica, on Monday classes

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6-week Beginners Salsa Course – March-April

6-week Beginners Salsa Course – March-April



We hope you can join us for our 6-week beginners course!

Sessions will take place on Wednesdays 8:30-9:30pm. There will be a chance for you to practice till 10pm if you wanted to stay behind and get to know people a little better 🥰

The dates for the class are:
6th, 13th, 27th of March and 3rd, 10th & 24th of April.
*Please note there are no sessions on the 20th of March and 17th of April.

It will cost £40 for the entire course. This works out about £6.50 per class.

It is suitable for beginner and those with little salsa experience.

These sessions will have BSL communication support available.

6-week Salsa Course – May-June

6-week Salsa Course – May-June



We hope you can join us for our 6-week beginners course!

Sessions will take place on Wednesdays 8:30-9:30pm. There will be a chance for you to practice till 10pm if you wanted to stay behind and get to know people a little better 🥰

The dates for the class are:
8th, 15th & 29th May and 5th, 12th & 26th June.

*Please note there are no sessions on the 22nd May and 19th June.

It will cost £40 for the entire course. This works out about £6.50 per class.

It is suitable for beginners and those with little salsa experience.

These sessions will have BSL communication support available.

FAQ: Tell me more about your connection to the BSL community

We have a strong connection with the British Sign Language (BSL) community and offer BSL-interpreted events and classes to ensure that our programs are accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. If you require BSL interpretation, please let us know in advance.

*we try to make our classes as inclusive as possible so we are happy to offer hardship passes which will offer free passes to most of our classes for anyone unable to fund their classes. If you have a serious injury or disability, and wish to take part in our classes please let us know and we would be happy to offer a consultation with our director.

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