Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Figure Drawing with live clothed models – June

Figure Drawing with live clothed models – June




Yn dechrau: WEDNESDAY 5 JUNE 2024 FROM 19:15-20:15

Sessions take place on Wednesdays 5, 12, 19 & 26 June.

Yn ôl yr arfer, bydd ein tiwtor yn sicrhau amgylchedd diogel, cymunol a chefnogol i chi allu ymlacio ynddo, gan alluogi eich creadigrwydd i ddatblygu.

The course is £30 or £10 for deaf, hard of hearing and those with Hardship Passes. Weekly drop-in is £8.50.

Bydd cymorth cyfathrebu Iaith Arwyddion Prydain ar gael bob wythnos.

Please note numbers are limited, please book in advance to avoid disappointment:

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Figure Drawing with live clothed models

Our clothed figure drawing sessions have been so popular we're continuing into June! We'll explore how clothing gives character to the pose and develop our observation and use of colour. Materials will vary from week to week and are included in the cost of the course ????

Featuring a different model each week, we'll have the chance to draw and image-make together. Emphasis will be on wellbeing and enjoyment through creative exploration of representing the clothed figure.

Bydd Caroline yn rhoi arweiniad i chi gyda chynllunio, darlunio a braslunio eich eitemau ysbrydoledig gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o wahanol ddeunyddiau. Yna byddwch yn symud tuag at gynllunio 3D gan ddefnyddio ffelt, ffabrig a phwytho er mwyn dod â’ch creadigaeth yn fyw!

This course aligns with their mission of connecting people through the arts and is conveniently located in the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road."Mythical Creatures" is a captivating course that encourages participants to explore their imagination and artistic skills. It's designed for individuals of all ages and levels of artistic experience, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone.During the course, participants dive into the enchanting world of mythical creatures, learning how to bring these fantastical beings to life on paper. The emphasis is on fostering creativity and self-expression through art.

Ardour Academy's commitment to fostering connections and creativity shines through in this course. It's a fun and imaginative opportunity for individuals to unleash their artistic talents, connect with others who share a passion for art, and embark on a journey into the realm of mythical creatures right in the heart of the Welsh capital city.

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