Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng NghaerdyddHalloween Tango Special: Milonga with Mark & Katherine
Thursday 31 October 2024 from 18:30-19:30
We’re excited to announce a one-off special Tango class happening at Ardour Academy on Thursday 31 October 6:30 – 7:30pm!
This class will focus on Milonga, one of the three dances that are normally danced at a tango social (milonga). The session will give you everything you need to be able to enjoy this fun dance.
You don’t need a partner to attend 😊
Tango Café
Tango Café yn Academi Ardour yng Nghaerdydd
Dydd Iau olaf y mis. 8:30pm tan 11pm
Bydd yna gyfuniad o gerddoriaeth tango, danteithion cartref (cacennau, bisgedi) a bar. Lleoliad anffurfiol cyfeillgar y gallwch ddod i gysylltu â ffrindiau a dawnsio neu eistedd a sgwrsio.
Mae tocynnau’n £5 wrth y drws
FAQ: Who can attend Ardour Academy’s classes and events
Everyone is welcome at Ardour Academy! We are proud of our inclusive environment and encourage people of all backgrounds and abilities to join us.
*we try to make our classes as inclusive as possible so we are happy to offer hardship passes which will offer free passes to most of our classes for anyone unable to fund their classes. If you have a serious injury or disability, and wish to take part in our classes please let us know and we would be happy to offer a consultation with our director.