Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Belly dancing class (open-level) Thu 19th Aug

Belly dancing class (open-level) Thu 19th Aug


*** Amina is teaching from Thursday 20th at 7:15pm ***

Mae Amina yn croesawu myfyrwyr a phob lefel o allu a phrofiad.

* Dosbarth Stiwdio *

Gwybodaeth diogelwch COVID

Out of stock

Dosbarth dawnsio bol (lefel agored)

Ers astudio celf dawns ddwyreiniol (Raqs Sharqi) am nifer o flynyddoedd, mae Amina yn awyddus i rannu ei hangerdd ag eraill a hefyd i ysbrydoli eraill i deimlo’n fwy hyderus yn eu cyrff trwy gyfrwng dawns.
Mae Amina yn croesawu myfyrwyr a phob lefel o allu a phrofiad.

Noder! Oni bai ein bod yn canslo'r dosbarth neu'n cael eich cynghori i hunan-ynysu trwy Track & Trace, nid ydym yn cynnig ad-daliadau na chyfnewid credydau ar ein dosbarthiadau.

FAQ: Where is Ardour Academy located

Our address is on Wellfield Road, right in the heart of Caerdydd, the capital city of Wales. You can find detailed directions HERE on our website.
We are unfortunately not wheelchair accessible at the moment and working hard to change this in the future.
We do however run some of our sessions in wheelchair assessable locations, and off live streaming of some of our classes/events. Please Cysylltu if you wish to discuss accessibility.

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