Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Halloween Tango Special: Milonga with Mark & Katherine

Halloween Tango Special: Milonga with Mark & Katherine


Thursday 31 October 2024 from 18:30-19:30

We’re excited to announce a one-off special Tango class happening at Ardour Academy on Thursday 31 October 6:30 – 7:30pm!

This class will focus on Milonga, one of the three dances that are normally danced at a tango social (milonga). The session will give you everything you need to be able to enjoy this fun dance.
You don’t need a partner to attend 😊

Halloween Tango Special: Milonga with Mark & Katherine

And don't forget, we have our monthly Tango Cafe on 31 October at 8:30pm for extra practice and socialising!

Gwisgwch ddillad cyfforddus sy'n eich caniatáu i symud yn rhwydd. Mae gwisgo haenau yn beth doeth hefyd, oherwydd byddwch yn sicr o chwysu wrth ddawnsio.

Esgidiau meddal a fydd yn caniatáu i chi lithro’n rhwydd o un ystum i’r llall neu droi ar un droed. I’r rhai sy’n dymuno canolbwyntio ar ddilyn byddai esgidiau sodlau uchel o fantais, ond nid yn angenrheidiol.

Ardour Academy is A not for profit organisation, Connecting people through the Arts. They are based in the capital city of Wales. In the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road.
Tell me about their Tango Cafe dance practice on the last Thursday of the month, and use short paragraphs please.Ardour Academy organizes a monthly event called "Tango Cafe," which takes place on the last Thursday of each month. Located in the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road, this event aligns with their mission of connecting people through the arts.At "Tango Cafe," participants gather to explore the captivating world of tango dance. It's a social practice session where individuals, regardless of their dance experience, can come together and enjoy the rhythmic and passionate art form.The event offers a relaxed atmosphere for dancers of all levels, providing opportunities for skill development and connection. Instructors or experienced dancers often join to offer guidance, ensuring inclusivity and making it accessible to everyone.By hosting "Tango Cafe" regularly, Ardour Academy strengthens the sense of community and artistic expression in Cardiff's cultural landscape. It's a monthly celebration of movement and connection, enriching the arts scene in the capital city of Wales.Home Page
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Noder! Oni bai ein bod yn canslo'r dosbarth neu'n cael eich cynghori i hunan-ynysu trwy Track & Trace, nid ydym yn cynnig ad-daliadau na chyfnewid credydau ar ein dosbarthiadau.

FAQ: Who can attend Ardour Academy’s classes and events

Everyone is welcome at Ardour Academy! We are proud of our inclusive environment and encourage people of all backgrounds and abilities to join us.

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