Darganfod Ardour: Lles, Dawns a Chreadigrwydd yng Nghaerdydd

Dydd Mawrth am 6PM – Yoga gyda Danielle

Dydd Mawrth am 6PM – Yoga gyda Danielle

Book with Danielle directly

Amser: 6:00PM (GMT)

e-bost: [email protected]

Tel: 07929 84 39 08

Social: Facebook

Please review our COVID-19 organisational announcement before attending the space.

Ioga gyda Danielle

Dosbarth lefel gyffredinol 90 munud yn tynnu ar ysgolion traddodiadol Ioga Hatha.

Gan gynnwys egwyddorion Cyfliniad Osgo, llif Vinyasa, Ymwybyddiaeth Somatig, Llonyddwch Adferol a Pranayama.

With over twenty years experience, Danielle Nicholls is fully qualified British Wheel of Yoga teacher.

Ardour Academy is A not for profit organisation, Connecting people through the Arts. They are based in the capital city of Wales. In the heart of Cardiff on Wellfield Road.

The class, led by experienced instructor Danielle, offers a welcoming space for individuals of all experience levels to explore physical and mental health. It combines mindful movement, relaxation techniques, and gentle exercise.

Participants can expect a nurturing and inclusive environment, promoting stress reduction, flexibility, and overall wellness. Ardour Academy's dedication to well-being and community-building shines through in this class, providing a weekly opportunity to find balance and serenity in the heart of Wales' capital city.

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FAQ: Tell me more about your connection to the BSL community

We have a strong connection with the British Sign Language (BSL) community and offer BSL-interpreted events and classes to ensure that our programs are accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. If you require BSL interpretation, please let us know in advance.

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